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Saturday 8 March 2014

Azolol (Winstrol) 5mg by LA Pharma

Azolol (Winstrol) 5mg

Product Description
Azolol Info:
Azolol from British Dispensary is a popular brand name for the anabolic steroid stanozolol. This compound is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, although its activity is much milder than this androgen in nature. It is technically classified as an anabolic steroid, shown to exhibit a slightly greater tendency for muscle growth than androgenic activity in early studies. While dihydrotestosterone really only provides androgenic side effects when administered, stanozolol instead provides quality muscle growth. Admittedly the anabolic properties of this substance are still mild in comparison to many stronger compounds, but it is still a reliable builder.

Azolol Facts & Use:
The Azolol efficacy as an anabolic could even be comparable to Dianabol, however Azolol does not carry with it the same tendency for water retention. Azolol also contains the same c17 methylation we see with Dianabol, an alteration used so that oral administration is possible. To spite this design however, there are many injectable versions of this steroid produced.

Structurally Azolol is not capable of converting into estrogen. Likewise an antiestrogen is not necessary when using this steroid, gynecomastia not being a concern even among sensitive individuals. Since estrogen is also the culprit with water retention, instead of bulk Azolol produces a lean, quality look to the physique with no fear of excess subcutaneous fluid retention. This makes it a favorable steroid to use during cutting cycles, when water and fat retention are a major concern. It is also very popular among athletes in combination strength/speed sports such as Track and Field. In such disciplines one usually does not want to carry around excess water weight, and may therefore find the raw muscle-growth brought about by Azolol quite favorable over the lower quality mass gains of more estrogenic agents.

Azolol Effects:
Azolol helps to create quality muscle growth. Combined with a serious workout Azolol creates strong muscles without serious consequences. Azolol doesn't cause water retention, which makes it a popular choice for many body builders as they get close to a show. In fact it allows a bodybuilder to build muscles without retaining fluid.

Azolol increases the body's ability to produce red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, including to the muscles. More red blood cells make it possible for the muscles to work harder, longer and recover quicker because of the added oxygen moving into them. This is the good reason to choose Azolol as a performance-enhancing substance. Some body builders and endurance athletes use Azolol because it provides strength and endurance without creating bulk. Endurance athletes do not want to carry around any more weight than necessary, so they avoid bulky muscles at all times. Body builders lift weights to increase their muscle size, but want visible definition between muscle groups.

Azolol Dosing:
For men the usual dosage of Azolol is 15-30 mg per day. It is often combined with other steroids depending on the desired result. Women will take somewhere in the range of 5-l0mg per day.

Azolol Stack:
For bulking purposes, a stronger androgen like testosterone, Dianabol or Oxymetholone is usually added. Thus Azolol will balance out the cycle a bit, giving a good anabolic effect with lower overall estrogenic activity than if taking such steroids alone. The result should be a considerable gain in new muscle mass, with a more comfortable level of water and fat retention.

For contest and dieting phases it could alternately be combined Azolol with a non-aromatizing androgen such as Parabolan Tablets or Restandol (Andriol). Such combinations should help bring about the strongly defined, hard look of muscularity so sought after among bodybuilders. Older, more sensitive individuals can otherwise add more compounds like Primobolan or Deca-Durabolin in case of stacking this steroid. So it should be seen good results and fewer side effects than is to be expected with standard androgen therapies.

Azolol Side Effects & Risks:
Although Azolol is only moderately androgenic, the risk of virilization symptoms should remain a concern. With the structural (c17-AA) alteration, the tablets will also place a higher level of stress on the liver than the injectable (which avoids the "first pass"). During longer or higher dosed cycles, liver values should therefore be watched closely through regular blood work. Although less common, the possibility of liver damage cannot be excluded with the injectable however.

While it does not enter the body through the liver, it is still broken down by it, providing a lower (but more continuous) level of stress. Such stress would of course be amplified when adding other c17-AA oral compounds to a cycle of Azolol. When using such combinations, cautious users would make every effort to limit the length of the cycle (preferably 6 to 8 weeks).

Friday 7 March 2014

Anabol 5mg by British Dispensary

Anabol 5mg by British Dispensary

Product Description
Dianabol/Anabol (Methandienone):
1000 x 5mg tabs
British Dispensary
Anabol or Dianabol are both brand names for Methandrostenolone. it is without a doubt one of the best, if not the best product for people who compete in non-aerobic oriented sports. It promotes drastic protein synthesis, enhances glycogenolysis (repletion of glycogen after exercise) and stimulates strength in a very direct and fast-acting way. Methandrostenolone can provide immediate and visible results. One worry short term users of Anabol needn't fear is the dramatic shutdown of natural testosterone production as is often the case with very androgenic compounds. Of course this effect is dose-dependent. It still has a mild androgenic component, meaning in high doses (30+ mg daily) androgen-mediated side-effects can be noted (acne, male pattern hair loss). Smaller doses taken multiple times per day would deliver better results and maximal use of the steroid. Anabol is highly effective in low doses(25-40 mg ). The half-life of methandrostenolone in the body is only 3-6 hours so taking your daily dose spread over 3 or 4 doses may elicit a better effect than only 1 or 2 doses. Milligram for Milligram its more powerful than a testosterone ester, generally considered the best mass-builder. One drawback to spreading your dosages like this would be that the peak levels aren't quite as high since no large doses are taken all at once. People who take moderate to low doses of ONLY methandrostenolone should probably opt for a single morning dose. This delivers a higher peak level and more survival of your only steroid. Also due to Anabols short half-life, it makes the drug clear the body before the body produces its largest dose of natural testosterone, the early hours of sleep. You could keep a good amount of your gains when using clomid or Nolvadex post-cycle. For those using it in conjunction with other, mostly injectable steroids, two doses seems to be the better choice, if you are taking in excess of 40 mg a day perhaps even three doses.
Similar to testosterone and Anadrol 50, Methandienone (other known as Dianabol) is a potent steroid, but also one which brings about noticeable side effects. For starters methandienone is quite estrogenic. Gynecomastia is often a concern during treatment, and may present itself quite early into a cycle (particularly when higher doses are used). At the same time water retention can become a pronounced problem, causing a notable loss of muscle definition as both subcutaneous water and fat build. Sensitive individuals may therefore want to keep the estrogen under control with the addition of an anti-estrogen such as Nolvadex and/or Proviron. The stronger drugs Arimidex, Femara, or Aromasin (antiaromatase) would be a better choice if available.
In addition, androgenic side effects are common with this substance, and may include bouts of oily skin, acne and body/facial hair growth. Aggression may also be increased with a potent steroid such as this, so it would be wise not to let your disposition change for the worse during a cycle. With Dianabol there is also the possibility of aggravating a male pattern baldness condition. Sensitive individuals may therefore wish to avoid this drug and opt for a milder anabolic such as Deca-Durabolin. While Dianabol does convert to a more potent steroid via interaction with the 5-alpha reductase anzyme (the same enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone), it has extremely little affinity to do so in the human body's. The androgenic metabolite 5alpha dihydromethandrostenolone is therefore produced only in trace amounts at best. Therefore the use of Proscar/Propecia would serve no real purpose.
Being moderately androgenic, Methandienone is really only a popular steroid with men. When used by women, strong virilization symptoms are of course a possible result. Some do however experiment with it, and find low doses (5mg) of this steroid extremely powerful for new muscle growth. Whenever taken, Methandienone (dianabol) will produce exceptional mass and strength gains. It's effectiveness is often compared to other strong steroids like testosterone and Anadrol 50, and it is likewise a popular choice for bulking purposes. A daily dosage of 20-40mg is enough to give almost anybody dramatic results. Some do venture much higher in dosage, but this practice usually leads to a more profound incidence of side effects. It additionally combines well with a number of other steroids. It is noted to mix particularly well with the mild anabolic Deca-Durabolin. Together one can expect an exceptional muscle and strength gains, with side effects not much worse than one would expect from Dianabol alone. For all out mass, a long acting testosterone ester like enanthate can be used. With the similarly high estrogenic/androgenic properties of this androgen, side effects may be extreme with such a combination however. Gains would be great as well, which usually makes such an endeavor worthwhile to the user. As discussed earlier, ancillary drugs can be added to reduce the side effects associated with this kind of cycle.
In order to withstand oral administration, this compound is c17 alpha alkylated. We know that this alteration protects the drug from being deactivation by the liver (allowing nearly all of the drug entry into the bloodstream), however it can also be toxic to this organ. Prolonged exposure to c17 alpha alkylated substances can result in actual damage, possibly even the development of certain kinds of cancer. To be safe one might want to visit the doctor a couple of times during each cycle to keep an eye on their liver enzyme values. Cycles should also be kept short, usually less than 8 weeks long to avoid doing any noticeable damage. Jaundice (bile duct obstruction) is usually the first visible sign of liver trouble, and should be looked out for. This condition produces an unusual yellowing of the skin, as the body has trouble processing bilirubin. In addition to the skin, the whites of the eyes may also yellow, a clear indicator of trouble. Should this occur the drug should be discontinued immediately and a doctor visited. This is usually a point where further, permanent damage can be avoided.
It is also interesting to note that methandienone is structurally identical to boldenone (EQ), except that it contains the added c17 alpha alkyl group discussed above. This fact makes clear the impact of altering a steroid in such a way, as these two compounds appear to act very differently in the body. The main dissimilarity seems to lie in the tendency for estrogenic side effects, which seems to be much more pronounced with Dianabol. Equipoise is known to be quite mild in this way, and users therefore commonly take this drug without any need of an anti-estrogen. Dianabol is much more estrogenic not because it is more easily aromatized, as in fact the 17 alpha methyl group and c1-2 double bond both slow the process of aromatization. The problem is that methanmdienone converts to l7alpha methylestradiol, a more biologically active form of estrogen than regular estradiol. But Dianabol also appears to be much more potent in terms of muscle mass compared to boldenone, supporting the notion that estrogen does play an important role in anabolism. In fact boldenone and methandienone differ so much in their potencies as anabolics that the two are rarely though of as related. As a result, the use of Dianabol is typically restricted to bulking phases of training while Equipoise is considered an excellent cutting or lean-mass building steroid.
The half-life of Dianabol is only about 3 to 4 hours, a relatively short time. This means that a single daily dosage schedule will produce a varying blood level, with ups and downs throughout the day. The user likewise has a choice, to either split up the tablets during the day or to take them all at one time. The usual recommendation has been to divide them and try to regulate the concentration in your blood. This however, will produce a lower peak blood level than if the tablets were taken all at once, so there may be a trade off with this option. The steroid researcher Bill Roberts also points out that a single-episode dosing schedule should have a less dramatic impact on the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis, as there is a sufficient period each day where steroid hormone levels are not extremely exaggerated. I tend to doubt hormonal stability can be maintained during such a cycle however, but do notice that anecdotal evidence often still supports single daily doses to be better for overall results. Perhaps this is the better option. Since we know the blood concentration will peak about 1.5 to 3 hours after administration, we may further wonder the best time to take our tablets. It seems logical that taking the pills earlier in the day, preferably some time before training, would be optimal. This would allow a considerable number of daytime hours for an androgen rich metabolism to heighten the uptake of nutrients, especially the critical hours following training.
The general concensus is that methandrostenolone should never be used more than 6 weeks on end due its strong hepatoxic effects. Being largely an oral compound, its also 17-alpha-alkylated to help it survive the liver upon first pass. Liver values are elevated over a short period of time4, making long-term use a very dangerous affair. Liver values should return to normal quite fast after discontinuation however since the effects are so short-lived. Other risks associated with the use of methandrostenolone include the estrogenic side-effects. It is therefore best used in conjunction with an anti-estrogen.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Xanax 1mg by Parke Davis

Xanax 1mg by Parke Davis

Product Description
Xanax 1mg (Alprazolam) by Parke-Davis:

xanax (alprazolam) belongs to a group of drugs called benzodiazepines. It works by slowing down the movement of chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced. This results in a reduction in nervous tension (anxiety).

Xanax is used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and anxiety caused by depression.

Xanax may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Alprazolam is a short-acting anxiolytic of the benzodiazepine class of psychoactive drugs. Alprazolam, like other benzodiazepines, binds to specific sites on the GABAA gamma-amino-butyric acid receptor. Alprazolam is commonly used and FDA approved for the medical treatment of panic disorder, and anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or social anxiety disorder (SAD). Alprazolam is available for oral administration in compressed tablet (CT) and extended-release capsule (XR) formulations. Alprazolam possesses anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, skeletal muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant, and amnestic properties.

Alprazolam has a fast onset of action and symptomatic relief. Ninety percent of peak effects are achieved within the first hour of using either in preparation for panic disorder, and full peak effects are achieved in 1.5 and 1.6 hours respectively. Peak benefits achieved for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) may take up to a week. Tolerance to the anxiolytic/antipanic effects is controversial with some authoritative sources reporting the development of tolerance, and others reporting no development of tolerance; tolerance will however, develop to the sedative-hypnotic effects within a couple of days. Withdrawal symptoms or rebound symptoms may occur after ceasing treatment abruptly following a few weeks or longer of steady dosing, and may necessitate a gradual dose reduction.

Alprazolam is the most prescribed and the most misused benzodiazepine on the U.S. retail market. The potential for misuse among those taking it for medical reasons is controversial with some expert reviews stating that the risk is low and similar to that of other benzodiazepine drugs and others stating that there is a substantial risk of abuse and dependence in both patients and non-medical users of alprazolam and that the pharmacological properties of alprazolam, high affinity binding, high potency, having a short elimination half-life as well as a rapid onset of action increase the misuse potential of alprazolam. Compared to the large number of prescriptions, relatively few individuals increase their dose on their own initiative or engage indrug-seeking behavior. Alprazolam is classified as a schedule IV controlled substance by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Important information about Xanax:
Do not use Xanax if you are pregnant. It could harm the unborn baby. Do not use Xanax if you are allergic to alprazolam or to other benzodiazepines, such as chlordiazepoxide (Librium), clorazepate (Tranxene), diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), or oxazepam (Serax).

Treatments for depression are getting better everyday and there are things you can start doing right away.

Before you take Xanax, tell your doctor if you have asthma or other breathing problems, glaucoma, kidney or liver disease, a history of alcoholism, or a history of depression, suicidal thoughts, or addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Do not drink alcohol while taking Xanax. This medication can increase the effects of alcohol. Xanax may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person for whom it was prescribed. Keep the medication in a secure place where others cannot get to it.

Before taking Xanax:
It is dangerous to try and purchase Xanax on the Internet or from vendors outside of the United States. Medications distributed from Internet sales may contain dangerous ingredients, or may not be distributed by a licensed pharmacy. Samples of Xanax purchased on the Internet have been found to contain haloperidol (Haldol), a potent antipsychotic drug with dangerous side effects. For more information, contact the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or visit

You should not take Xanax if you have:

narrow-angle glaucoma;

if you are also taking itraconazole (Sporanox) or ketoconazole (Nizoral); or

if you are allergic to alprazolam or to other benzodiazepines, such as chlordiazepoxide (Librium), clorazepate (Tranxene), diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan), or oxazepam (Serax).

To make sure you can safely take Xanax, tell your doctor if you have any of these other conditions:

asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), or other breathing problems;


kidney or liver disease (especially alcoholic liver disease);

a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or behavior; or

a history of drug or alcohol addiction.

Xanax may be habit forming and should be used only by the person for whom it was prescribed. Never share Xanax with another person, especially someone with a history of drug abuse or addiction. Keep the medication in a place where others cannot get to it.

FDA pregnancy category D. Do not use Xanax if you are pregnant. It could harm the unborn baby. Xanax may also cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms in a newborn if the mother takes the medication during pregnancy. Use effective birth control, and tell your doctor if you become pregnant during treatment. Alprazolam can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. You should not breast-feed while you are using this medicine. The sedative effects of Xanax may last longer in older adults. Accidental falls are common in elderly patients who take benzodiazepines. Use caution to avoid falling or accidental injury while you are taking Xanax. Do not give this medication to anyone under 18 years old.