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Friday 3 May 2013

Generic Morphine Sulphate Inj by Generic

Generic Morphine Sulphate Inj by Generic

Product Description
Morphine is a potent opiate analgesic medication and is considered to be the prototypical opioid.

Morphine is the most abundant alkaloid found in opium, the dried sap (latex) derived from shallowly slicing the unripe seedpods of the opium, or common and/or edible, poppy, Papaver somniferum.

In clinical medicine, morphine is regarded as the gold standard, or benchmark, of analgesics used to relieve severe or agonizing pain and suffering. Like other opioids, such as oxycodone, hydromorphone, and diacetylmorphine (heroin), morphine acts directly on the central nervous system (CNS) to relieve pain. Unlike many other opioids, morphine is an opiate and a natural product. Morphine has a high potential for addiction; tolerance and psychological dependence develop rapidly, although physiological dependence may take several months to develop.

Medical uses:
Morphine is primarily used to treat both acute and chronic severe and agonizing pain.It is also used for pain due to myocardial infarction (heart attack) and for labor pains. There are however concerns that morphine may increase mortality in the setting of non ST elevation myocardial infarction.Morphine has also traditionally been used in the treatment of the acute pulmonary edema. Its duration of analgesia is about 3-4 hours when administered via the intravenous, subcutaneous, or intramuscular route and 3-6 hours when given by mouth.Morphine is also used in slow release formulations for opiate substitution therapy (OST) in Austria, Bulgaria, and Slovenia, for addicts who cannot tolerate the side effects of using either methadone or buprenorphine, or for addicts who are "not held" by buprenorphine or methadone. It is used for OST in many parts of Europe although on a limited basis.

Adverse effects:
Like loperamide and other opioids, morphine acts on the myenteric plexus in the intestinal tract, reducing gut motility, causing constipation. The gastrointestinal effects of morphine are mediated primarily by μ-opioid receptors in the bowel. By inhibiting gastric emptying and reducing propulsive peristalsis of the intestine, morphine decreases the rate of intestinal transit. Reduction in gut secretion and increased intestinal fluid absorption also contribute to the constipating effect.

Morphine is a potentially highly addictive substance - one of the most addictive known to man. It can cause psychological dependence and physical dependence as well as tolerance, with an addiction potential identical to that of heroin. In the presence of pain and the other disorders for which morphine is indicated, a combination of psychological and physiological factors tend to prevent true addiction from developing, although severe physical dependence and tolerance will develop with protracted opioid therapy.


Tolerance to the analgesic effects of morphine is fairly rapid. There are several hypotheses about how tolerance develops, including opioid receptor phosphorylation (which would change the receptor conformation), functional decoupling of receptors from G-proteins (leading to receptor desensitization),

Cessation of dosing with morphine creates the prototypical opioid withdrawal syndrome, which, unlike that of barbiturates, benzodiazepines, alcohol, or sedative-hypnotics, is not fatal by itself in neurologically healthy patients without heart or lung problems; it is in theory self-limiting in length and overall impact in that a rapid increase in metabolism and other bodily processes takes place, including shedding and replacement of the cells of many organs.

Acute morphine along with and other opioid withdrawal proceeds through a number of stages. Other opioids differ in the intensity and length of each, and weak opioids and mixed agonist-antagonists may have acute withdrawal syndromes that do not reach the highest level. As commonly cited  they are:

Stage I: Six to fourteen hours after last dose: Drug craving, anxiety, irritability, perspiration, and mild to moderate dysphoria.
Stage II: Fourteen to eighteen hours after last dose: Yawning, heavy perspiration, mild depression lacrimation, crying, running nose, dysphoria, also intensification of the above symptoms. "yen sleep" (a waking trance-like state)
Stage III: Sixteen to twenty-four hours after last dose: Rhinorrhea (runny nose) and increase in other of the above, dilated pupils, piloerection (gooseflesh), muscle twitches, hot flashes, cold flashes, aching bones and muscles, loss of appetite and the beginning of intestinal cramping.
Stage IV: Twenty-four to thirty-six hours after last dose: Increase in all of the above including severe cramping and involuntary leg movements ("kicking the habit"), loose stool, insomnia, elevation of blood pressure, moderate elevation in body temperature, increase in frequency of breathing and tidal volume, tachycardia (elevated pulse), restlessness, nausea
Stage V: Thirty-six to seventy-two hours after last dose: Increase in the above, fetal position, vomiting, free and frequent liquid diarrhea, which sometimes can accelerate the time of passage of food from mouth to out of system to an hour or less, involuntary ejaculation, which is often painful, saturation of bedding materials with bodily fluids, weight loss of two to five kilos per 24 hours, increased white cell count and other blood changes.
Stage VI: After completion of above: Recovery of appetite ("the chucks"), and normal bowel function, beginning of transition to post-acute and chronic symptoms that are mainly psychological but that may also include increased sensitivity to pain, hypertension, colitis or other gastrointestinal afflictions related to motility, and problems with weight control in either direction.
The withdrawal symptoms associated with morphine addiction are usually experienced shortly before the time of the next scheduled dose, sometimes within as early as a few hours (usually between 6–12 hours) after the last administration. Early symptoms include watery eyes, insomnia, diarrhea, runny nose, yawning, dysphoria, sweating and in some cases a strong drug craving. Severe headache, restlessness, irritability, loss of appetite, body aches, severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, tremors, and even stronger and more intense drug craving appear as the syndrome progresses. Severe depression and vomiting are very common. During the acute withdrawal period systolic and diastolic blood pressure increase, usually beyond pre-morphine levels, and heart rate increases, which have potential to cause a heart attack, blood clot, or stroke.

The psychological dependence associated with morphine addiction is complex and protracted. Long after the physical need for morphine has passed, the addict will usually continue to think and talk about the use of morphine (or other drugs) and feel strange or overwhelmed coping with daily activities without being under the influence of morphine. Psychological withdrawal from morphine is a very long and painful process. Addicts often suffer severe depression, anxiety, insomnia, mood swings, amnesia (forgetfulness), low self-esteem, confusion, paranoia, and other psychological disorders. Without intervention, the syndrome will run its course, and most of the overt physical symptoms will disappear within 7 to 10 days including psychological dependence. There is a high probability that relapse will occur after morphine withdrawal when neither the physical environment nor the behavioral motivators that contributed to the abuse have been altered. Testimony to morphine's addictive and reinforcing nature is its relapse rate. Abusers of morphine (and heroin) have one of the highest relapse rates among all drug users, ranging up to 98 per cent in the estimation of some clinicians, neuropharmacologists, mental health/AODA professionals and other medical experts.

A large overdose can cause asphyxia and death by respiratory depression if the person does not receive medical attention immediately.Overdose treatment includes the administration of naloxone. The latter completely reverses morphine's effects, but precipitates immediate onset of withdrawal in opiate-addicted subjects. Multiple doses may be needed.

The minimum lethal dose is 200 mg but in case of hypersensitivity 60 mg can bring sudden death. In case of drug addiction, 2-3 g/day can be tolerated.

Effects on human performance:
In terms of cognitive abilities, one study has shown that morphine may have a negative impact on anterograde and retrograde memory, but these effects are minimal and are transient. Overall, it seems that acute doses of opioids in non-tolerant subjects produce minor effects in some sensory and motor abilities, and perhaps also in attention and cognition. It is likely that the effects of morphine will be more pronounced in opioid-naive subjects than chronic opioid users.

In chronic opioid users, such as those on Chronic Opioid Analgesic Therapy (COAT) for managing severe, chronic pain, behavioural testing has shown normal functioning on perception, cognition, coordination and behaviour in most cases. . COAT patients showed rapid completion of tasks that require speed of responding for successful performance (e.g., Rey Complex Figure Test) but made more errors than controls. COAT patients showed no deficits in visual-spatial perception and organization (as shown in the WAIS-R Block Design Test) but did show impaired immediate and short-term visual memory (as shown on the Rey Complex Figure Test – Recall). These patients showed no impairments in higher order cognitive abilities (i.e., Planning). COAT patients appeared to have difficulty following instructions and showed a propensity toward impulsive behaviour, yet this did not reach statistical significance. It is important to note that this study reveals that COAT patients have no domain-specific deficits, which supports the notion that chronic opioid use has minor effects on psychomotor, cognitive, or neuropsychological functioning.

It is difficult to study the performance effects of morphine without considering why a person is taking morphine. Opioid-naive subjects are volunteers in a pain-free state. However, most chronic-users of morphine use it to manage pain. Pain is a stressor and so it can confound performance results, especially on tests that require a large degree of concentration. Pain is also variable, and will vary over time and from person to person. It is unclear to what extent the stress of pain may cause impairments, and it is also unclear whether morphine is potentiating or attenuating these impairments.

Monday 18 March 2013

OC 40mg Generic

OC 40mg Generic

Product Description
OC 40 (Oxycontin 40 mg):
 Generic Name:
Pill imprint OC 40 has been identified as Oxycontin 40 mg.
OxyContin is used in the treatment of chronic pain; pain and belongs to the drug class narcotic analgesics. FDA has not classified the drug for risk during pregnancy. OxyContin 40 mg has a high potential for abuse. The drug has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions. Abuse of the drug may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.

Friday 25 January 2013

Diazomil 10mg by Mediate Pharma

Diazomil 10mg by Mediate Pharma

Product Description
Diazepam is mainly used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal. It is also used as a premedication for inducing sedation, anxiolysis or amnesia before certain medical procedures (e.g., endoscopy).

Intravenous diazepam or lorazepam are first line treatments for status epilepticus; However, lorazepam has advantages over diazepam including a higher rate of terminating seizures and a more prolonged anticonvulsant effect. Diazepam is rarely used for the long-term treatment of epilepsy because tolerance to the anticonvulsant effects of diazepam usually develops within 6 to 12 months of treatment, effectively rendering it useless for this purpose. Diazepam is used for the emergency treatment of eclampsia, when IV magnesium sulfate and blood pressure control measures have failed. However, benzodiazepines such as diazepam can be used for their muscle relaxant properties to alleviate pain which is caused by muscle spasms, caused by various dystonias, including blepharospasm Tolerance often develops to the muscle relaxant effects of benzodiazepines such as diazepam. Baclofen or tizanidine is sometimes used as an alternative to diazepam. Tizanidine has been found to be equally effective as other antispasmodic drugs and have superior tolerability than baclofen and diazepam. Benzodiazepines do not have any pain relieving properties of themselves and are generally recommended to be avoided in individuals with pain.

The anticonvulsant effects of diazepam, can help in the treatment of seizures, due to a drug overdose or chemical toxicity as a result of exposure to sarin, VX, soman (or other organophosphate poisons; See #CANA), lindane, chloroquine, physostigmine, or pyrethroids Diazepam is sometimes used intermitently for the prophylaxis of febrile seizures which occur as a result of a high fever in children and neonates under 5 years of age. Long-term use of diazepam for the management of epilepsy is not recommended; however, a subgroup individuals with treatment resistant epilepsy benefit from long-term benzodiazepines and for such individuals clorazepate has been recommended due to its slower onset of tolerance to the anticonvulsant effects.

Diazepam has a broad spectrum of indications (most of which are off-label), including:

Treatment of anxiety, panic attacks, and states of agitation
Treatment of neurovegetative symptoms associated with vertigo
Treatment of the symptoms of alcohol, opiate and benzodiazepine withdrawal
Short-term treatment of insomnia
Treatment of tetanus, together with other measures of intensive-treatment
Adjunctive treatment of spastic muscular paresis (para-/tetraplegia) caused by cerebral or spinal cord conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury (long-term treatment is coupled with other rehabilitative measures)
Palliative treatment of stiff person syndrome
Pre-/postoperative sedation, anxiolysis and/or amnesia (e.g., before endoscopic or surgical procedures)
Treatment of complications with hallucinogens, such as LSD or overdose of CNS stimulants, such as cocaine, or methamphetamine.
Prophylactic treatment of oxygen toxicity during hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Veterinary uses:
Diazepam is used as a short-term sedative and anxiolytic for cats and dogs. It is also used for short-term treatment of seizures in dogs and short-term and long-term treatment of seizures in cats. It can also be used as an appetite stimulant. For emergent treatment of seizures, the typical dose is 0.5 mg/kg intravenously, or 1–2 mg/kg of the injectable solution administered in the rectum.
Before judicial executions:
The State of California offers diazepam to condemned inmates as a pre-execution sedative as part of their Lethal Injection program.
Dosages should be determined on an individual basis, depending upon the condition to be treated, the severity of symptoms, the body weight of the patient, and any comorbid conditions the patient may have.

Typical dosages for healthy adults range from 2 mg per dose to 10 mg per dose taken 2 to 4 times per day, depending on such factors as body weight and condition being treated. For the elderly or people with liver disorders, initial dose is at the low end of the range, with the dose being increased as required.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Tramal 100mg by Searle

Tramal 100mg by Searle

Product Description
Pain – Killer Tramadol:
Tramadol is a medication used to treat pain that is moderate to severe. Ultram is the brand name of generic tramadol. Tramadol 50mg comes in regular form as well as a time-released form that comes in 100 mg, 200 mg, or 300 mg to treat chronic pain conditions when treatment is needed throughout the day and night.

Tramadol 50 mg is a synthetic pain reliever that works like morphine, though it is not known exactly how it works. Tramadol will bind to pain receptors in the brain and prevent them from transmitting any pain signals to the nerves in the body. It does not have any increased risk for internal bleeding that can occur from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID).

How to Take Tramadol:

 It is recommended that tramadol should be taken every four to six hours, as the patient needs for pain. A total daily dosage should not exceed 400 mg. The best way for a person with moderate to severe pain to take tramadol is to start with 25 mg per day, and increase by 25 mg every three days until the dose of 100 mg per day is met. Then the person should increase the tramadol dose by 50 mg every three days until they reach the maximum of 200 mg per day, which is the equivalent of taking 50 mg every four hours each day. Because tramadol does not upset the stomach, it can be taken with or without food.

Generic Ultram Tramadol 50 mg:

It is easy to purchase cheap tramadol ultram online. Now 180 tramadol cheap tablets can be purchased, or the customer can purchase amounts such as tramadol 30, tramadol 50, tramadol 60 or tramadol 90 capsule quantities. The number of tablets purchased depends on the length of time the person will be taking the pain medication. For people who are taking 50 mg tramadol for maintenance, or for chronic pain relief, it is better to purchase higher quantities. Purchasing tramadol capsules will eliminate the need to get a new prescription to be refilled so soon.

Ordering 180 Tramadol Online:

Ordering online is easy and convenient. A person contacts a reputable online pharmacy to purchase 50mg tramadol. The pharmacy’s online licensed physician will ask the person to complete a medical history and information as to the necessity of taking the tramadol. Once the physician reviews the medical history information and approves the tramadol, a prescription is sent to the online pharmacy to be filled. The tramadol is then shipped to the person; and overnight shipping is available at most online pharmacies.

This eliminates the need for the person to continually go back to the doctor for refill prescriptions, or having to travel to a local pharmacy to have the prescription refilled. The online pharmacy can even schedule automatic delivery of the tramadol 50mg tab. This means the person needing the medication will always have it on hand, without having to remember to schedule refills.

Buy Tramadol 50mg:

It is easy to buy tramadol 180 capsules for an inexpensive amount. Online pharmacies sell the medication for as little as tramadol 97.00. Tramadol capsules are sold for less than $100 on most online pharmacy sites.
When purchasing any medications from an online pharmacy, especially tramadol 180, always ensure that the online pharmacy is reputable and has an actual telephone number that can be called for customer service questions and answers, and in case of any problems with the delivery of the medication. Reputable pharmacies online will have customer service support to answer any questions, as well as licensed physicians that can serve as consultants to people with questions about any medications.

The pharmacy should also accept credit cards, and it is always best to purchase tramadol with a credit card rather than sending cash or cashier’s checks.

Taking Tramadol:

Tramadol is a powerful pain medication. Caution should be used when taking the medication, and the dosage prescribed by the physician should be followed closely. It is possible to buy tramadol 50 mg without a prescription from a private physician, as the online pharmacy will have licensed physicians to review the customer’s medical history information to ensure that the tramadol is being used for legitimate purposes. If the online physician has any questions about the information the person has provided, he or she may request to speak to the person’s personal physician to verify the medical necessity of taking the tramadol.

These safeguards mean that the person looking to purchase tramadol cheap will be afforded the same high level of professionalism as going to their local pharmacy. It also protects the online pharmacy from distributing tramadol for any reason other than medical necessity. Ordering from online pharmacies is as safe as getting a prescription from a local pharmacy. Ordering tramadol online makes it easier for a person with pain manage that pain effectively.

Nalbin (Nalbuphine HCL) 10mg

Nalbin (Nalbuphine HCL) 10mg

Product Description

Generic Name:

Nalbuphine (HCl)

nalbin is a synthetic opiate agonist/antagonist that is chemically related to both naloxone, a narcotic antagonist, and oxymorphone, a potent narcotic analgesic. Used to treat moderate to severe pain associated with acute and chronic medical disorders such as cancer, renal or biliary colic, migraine or vascular headaches, and surgical pain. Another clinical use is obstetrical analgesia during labor and delivery. Some evidence suggests that nalbuphine's respiratory depressant effects do not increase proportionately with increasing doses, thus making this drug safer in patients at risk from respiratory depression. It was approved by the FDA in 1979. Nalbuphin exerts its effects by binding to specific opiate receptors present in the central nervous system, functions as an antagonist at the µ-receptor, however it has agonist action at ?-receptor, Nalbuphine is also an agonist at the d-receptor, but Nalbuphine (HCl) is nalbuphine's action at the ?-receptor that provides analgesia. Actions at the ?-receptors are believed to produce alterations in the perception of pain as well as the emotional response to pain, possibly by altering the release of neurotransmitters from afferent nerves sensitive to painful stimuli.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Sust M250/10ml x1Vial

Sust M250/10ml x1Vial by Munster Laboratories Switzerland

Product Description
Sustanon 250 (Sust-an-on 250) is a medicine which is used in female-to-male gender reassignment procedures and testosterone replacement therapy. Sustanon 250 contains testosterone decanoate/testosterone isocaproate/testosterone phenylpropionate/testosterone propionate.

Sustanon 250 is a very popular steroid which is highly appreciated by it,s users since it offers several advantages when compared with other testosterone compounds. Sustanon is a mixture of 4 different testosterones which based on the well timed composition, have a synergetic effect. This special feature has positive characteristics for the athlete.The effect or the 4 Testosterones is time released so that Sustanon goes rapidly into the system and remains effective in the body for several weeks. Due to the propionate also included in the steroid, Sustanon is effective after one day and, based on the mixed in decanoates, remain active for 3-4 weeks. Sustanon has a distinct androgenic effect which is coupled with a strong anabolic effect. Therefore it is well suited to build up strength and mass. A rapid increase in body strength and an even increase in body weight occur. Athletes who use Sustanon report a solid muscle growth since it results in less water retention and also aromatizes less than either testosterone enanthate or Cypionate. Indeed many bodybuilders who use Testosterone and fight against distinct water retention and an elevated estrogen level prefer Sustanon over other long- acting Depot Testosterones.

Commonly sustanon is used to put on mass and size while increasing strength. It leads to less water retention and estrogenic side effects.

Sustanon is a very popular steroid which is highly appreciated by its users since it offers several advantages when compared to other testosteron compounds. Sustanon is a mixture of four different testosterones which, based on the well-timed composition, have a synergetic effect.These substances are:

Testosterone propionate 30 mg, Testosterone phenylpropionate 60mg, Testosterone isocaporate 60 mg, Testosterone decanoate 100 mg.

As with other testosterones, Sustanon is an androgenic steroid with a pronounced anabolic effect. Therefore, athletes commonly use Sustanon to put on mass and size while increasing strength. However, unlike other testosterone compounds such as testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate, the use of Sustanon leads to less water retention and estrogenic side effects. This characteristic is extremely beneficial to bodybuilders who suffer from gynecomastia yet still seek the powerful anabolic effect of an injectable testosterone. The decreased water retention also makes Sustanon a desirable steroid for bodybuilders and athletes interested in cutting up or building a solid foundation of quality mass. Dosages of Sustanon range from 250 mg every other week, up to 2000 mg or more per week. These dosages seem to be the extremes. A more common dosage would range from 250 mg to 1000 mg per week. Although Sustanon remains active for up to a month, injections should be taken at least once a week to keep testosterone levels stable.

A steroid novice can expect to gain about 20 pounds within a couple of months by using only 250 mg of Sustanon a week. More advanced athletes will obviously need higher dosages to obtain the desired effect. Sustanon is a fairly safe steroid, but in high dosages, some athletes may experience side effects due to an elevated estrogen level. With dosages exceeding 1000 mg a week, it is probably wise to use an antiestrogen such as Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) or Proviron (mesterolone). The use of Sustanon will suppress natural testosterone production, so the use of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) or Clomid (clomiphene citrate) may be appropriate at the end of a cycle. Sustanon 250 is a good base steroid to use in a stack. Athletes interested in rapid size and strength gains find that Sustanon stacks extremely well with orals such as Anadrol? (oxymetholone) and Dianabol (methandrostenlone). On the other hand, Sustanon also stacks well with Parabolan (trenbolone hexahydrobencylcarbonate), Masteron (drostanolone propionate), and Winstrol (stanozolol) for athletes seeking the hard, ripped look.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Viagra 50mg by Pfizer

Viagra 50mg by Pfizer

Product Description
Brand Name:

Generic Name:
Sildenafil Sitrate

VIAGRA is a pill used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It can help many men who have erectile dysfunction get and keep an erection when they become sexually excited (stimulated). You will not get an erection just by taking this medicine. VIAGRA helps a man with erectile dysfunction get an erection only when he is sexually excited.
How VIAGRA Works:
In many men with erectile dysfunction, VIAGRA helps the body's natural erection process. When a man is sexually excited, the penis will fill with enough blood to cause an erection. After sex is over, the erection goes away.

VIAGRA Is Not for Everyone:

VIAGRA is only for patients with erectile dysfunction. VIAGRA is not for newborns, children, or women. Research is underway into the possible effectiveness of Viagra for Women, however until the results are known, we do not recommend the use of VIAGRA by women. Do not let anyone else take your VIAGRA. VIAGRA must be used only under a doctor's supervision.

VIAGRA must never be used by men who are taking any medicines that contain nitrates. Nitrates are found in many prescription medicines that are used to treat angina (chest pain due to heart disease) such as: nitroglycerin (sprays, ointments, skin patches or pastes, and tablets that are swallowed or dissolved in the mouth) isosorbide mononitrate and isosorbide dinitrate (tablets that are swallowed, chewed, or dissolved in the mouth)

Nitrates are also found in illicit drugs such as amyl nitrate or nitrite (\"poppers\"). If you are not sure if any of your medicines contain nitrates, or if you do not understand what nitrates are, ask your doctor or pharmacist. If you take VIAGRA with any nitrate medicine or illicit drug containing nitrates, your blood pressure could suddenly drop to an unsafe level. You could get dizzy, faint, or even have a heart attack or stroke.

What VIAGRA Does Not Do:

VIAGRA does not cure erectile dysfunction. It is a treatment for erectile dysfunction. VIAGRA does not protect you or your partner from getting sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV-the virus that causes AIDS. VIAGRA is not a hormone or an aphrodisiac.

Possible Side Effects:

Like all medicines, VIAGRA can cause some side effects. These effects are usually mild and do not last long. Some of these side effects are more likely to occur with higher doses. VIAGRA is generally well tolerated. Side effects are rare, but if experienced they are usually mild and temporary.

The following is a list of the most common side effects:
Headache, Flushing, Upset Stomach, Stuffy Nose, Urinary Tract Infection, Visual changes such as mild and temporary changes in blue/green colors or increased sensitivity to light, and Diarrhea.


6 tabs (100 mg/tab)


 Viagra works by increasing the effects of nitric oxide (NO), a substance that serves many key functions in biological processes throughout the body. One of the most well known and important functions of NO is the dilation of blood vessels. This allows greater blood flow to the muscles, which of course can be valuable to an athlete during competition.

What is more interesting to me is the role of NO on muscles during resistance training. JE Anderson found that NO appears to be a vital signal in the activation of muscle satellite cells in response to damage. Satellite cell activation is the key first step in the repair and hypertrophy of muscle cells after heavy training. Viagra may therefore enhance the hypertrophy response to exercise, working at the most basic and primary level of the process.

In addition to this, there is evidence that suggests that Viagra may work to amplify the "pump" response during training. The pump is thought to happen when contracting muscle fibers signal local vascular relaxation (increasing the blood flow to the working muscles). According to KS Lau and coworkers, NO generated by neuronal NO synthase in contracting skeletal muscle fibers may regulate vascular relaxation via a cGMP-mediated pathway. Since the mechanism of action for Viagra is amplification of the cGMP pathway, there is ample reason to believe that the drug may indeed affect the blood flow and pump to the muscle, and therefore indirectly aid in the hypertrophy response.

Common uses and directions for Viagra:
Normally nerves or blood vessels in men with male erectile dysfunction do not work properly, which prevents them from achieving an erection. Viagra works to restore the blood flow to the penis making it easier to achieve and sustain longer erections.
Viagra increases the blood flow to the penis by helping the arteries in the penis relax and expand. As the arteries in the penis expand and harden, veins that normally carry away blood flow to the penis are compressed resulting in an erection.
Viagra takes at least 30 minutes before it starts to work, and remains active for up to 4 hours. The erection goes away after intercourse.
Men who are currently using medicines that contain nitrates, such as nitroglycerin should not use Viagra because taken together they can lower the blood pressure too much. Viagra should not be used by women or children.

Common uses:

Viagra is used to treat erection difficulties, such as erectile dysfunction (ED).


Viagra comes as a tablet containing 100 mg. sildenafil citrate, to take by mouth.
For most men, the recommended dose is 50 mg. taken, as needed, approximately 1 hour before sexual activity. However, sildenafil citrate may be taken anywhere from 4 hours to 0.5 hour before sexual activity. Based on effectiveness and toleration, the dose may be increased to a maximum recommended dose of 100 mg or decreased to 25 mg. The maximum recommended dosing frequency is once per day.


A starting dose of 25 mg. should be considered individuals of the age 65+ and in individuals with hepatic impairment or severe renal impairment.
Given the extent of the interaction with patients receiving concomitant therapy with ritonavir, it is recommended not to exceed a maximum single dose of 25 mg. of Viagra in any 48 hour period.
Sildenafil citrate potentiates the hypotensive effects of nitrates and its administration in patients who use nitric oxide donors or nitrates in any form is therefore contraindicated.
Treatments for erectile dysfunction, including Viagra, should not be generally used in men for whom sexual activity is inadvisable because of their underlying cardiovascular status.
Patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction, stroke, or life-threatening arrhythmia within the last 6 months, patients with resting hypotension or hypertension, patients with cardiac failure or coronary artery disease and patients with retinitis pigmentosa should use Viagra with great caution.
The safety of Viagra is unknown in patients with bleeding disorders and patients with active peptic ulceration.
Viagra should be used with caution by individuals with anatomical deformation of the penis and by individuals who have conditions which may predispose them to priapism.
The safety and efficacy of combinations of Viagra with other treatments for erectile dysfunction have not been studied. Therefore, the use of such combinations is not recommended.

Possible side effects:

The most frequently observed side effects of Viagra includes headache, flushing, dyspepsia and nasal congestion.
Less frequent side effects include erections that will not go away and vision changes. In the event that an erection persists longer than 4 hours, seek immediate medical assistance. Other less frequent side effects include urinary tract infection, abnormal vision, diarrhea, dizziness and rash.
If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor.


If overdose of Viagra is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately.

Additional information
Keep Viagra in a tightly closed container and out of reach of children. Store Viagra at room temperature and away from excess heat and moisture (not in the bathroom).