Wednesday 16 December 2015

Testofort 250mg/1ml by Pliva

Testofort 250mg/1ml by Pliva

Product Description
Testoste Enanthate 1 ml/250 mg x 3 Amps Testosterone enanthate, as most trade names already suggest, is a long-acting depot steroid. Depending on the metabolism and the body's initial hormone level it has a duration of effect of two to three weeks so that theoretically very long intervals between injections are possible. Each ml of Testofort contain 250mg Tensosterone Enanthate in oily solution.

Testosterone enanthate is an oil based injectable steroid, designed to release testosterone slowly from the injection site. Once administered, serum concentrations of this hormone will rise for several days, and remain markedly elevated for approximately 2 weeks. It may actually take 3 weeks for the action of this drug to fully diminish. For medical purposes this is the most widely prescribed testosterone, used regularly to treat cases of hypogonadism and other disorders related to androgen deficiency. In past patients generally do not selfadminister such injections, a long acting steroid like this is a very welcome item. Therapy is clearly more comfortable in comparison to an ester like propionate, which requires a much more frequent dosage schedule.

This product has also been researched as a possible male birth control options. Regular injections will efficiently lower sperm production, a state that will be reversible when the drug is removed. With the current stigma surrounding steroids however, it is unlikely that such an idea would actually become an adopted practice. Testofor (Testosterone Enanthate) is a powerful hormone with notably prominent side effects. Much of which stem from the fact that testosterone exhibits a high tendency to convert into estrogen. Related side effects may therefore become a problem during a cycle. For starters, water retention can become quite noticeable. This can produce a clear loss of muscle definition, as subcutaneous fluids begin to build. Storage of excess body fat may further reduce the visibility of muscle features, another common problem with aromatizing steroids. The excess estrogen level during/after your cycle also has the potential to lead up to gynecomastia. The antiaromatase Arimidex, Femara, or Aromasin are a much better choices though. It is believed that the use of an anti-estrogen can slightly lower the anabolic effect of most androgen cycles (estrogen and water weight are often thought to facilitate strength and muscle gain), so one might want to see if such drugs are actually necessary before committing to use. A little puffiness under the nipple is a sign that gynecomastia is developing. If this is left to further develop into pronounced swelling, soreness and the growth of small lumps under the nipples, some form of action should be taken immediately to treat it (obviously quitting the drug or adding ancillaries like Nolvadex). Being a testosterone product, all the standard androgenic side effects are also to be expected. Oily skin, acne, aggressiveness, facial/body hair growth and male pattern baldness are all possible. More sensitive individuals might therefore choose to avoid testosterone products, and look toward milder anabolics like DecaDurabolin or EquipoiseÐ’® which produce fewer side effects. With blood levels of this metabolite notably reduced, the impact of related side effects should also be reduced. With strong bulking drugs however, the user will generally expect to incur strong side effects and will often just tolerate them.

Most athletes really do not find the testosterones all that uncomfortable (especially in the face of the end result), as can be seen with the great popularity of such compounds. Although this particular ester is active for a much longer duration, most athletes prefer to inject it on a weekly basis in order to keep blood levels more uniform. The usual dosage would be in the range of 250mg to  750mg. This level is quite sufficient, and should provide the user a rapid gain of strength and body weight. Above this level estrogenic side effects will no doubt become much more pronounced, outweighing any new muscle that is possibly gained. Those looking for greater bulk would be better served by adding an oral like Anadrol or Dianabol, combinations which prove to be nothing less than dramatic. If the athlete wishes to use a testosterone yet retain a level of quality and definition to the physique, an injectable anabolic like DecaDurabolin or Equipoise may prove to be a better choice. Here we can use a lower dosage of enanthate, so as to gain an acceptable amount of muscle but keep the buildup of estrogen to a minimum. Of course the excess estrogen that is associated with testosterone makes it a bulking only drug, producing too much water (and fat) retention for use near contest time. With the proper administration of ancillary drugs, much of the new muscle mass can be retained for a long time after the steroid cycle has been stopped. Those who rely solely on a fancy tapering-off schedule to accomplish this are likely to be disappointed. Although a common practice, this is really not an effective way to restore the hormons.

 Although Testosterone enanthate is effective for several weeks, it is injected at least once a week in body building, power lifting, and weight lifting. The decisive advantage of Testosterone enanthate, however, is that this substance has a very strong androgenic effect and is coupled with an intense anabolic component. This allows almost everyone, within a short time, to build up a lot of strength and mass. The, rapid and strong weight gain is combined with distinct water retention since a retention of electrolytes and water occurs. A pleasant effect is that the enormous strength gain goes hand in hand with the water retention. In our opinion the most sensible dosage for most athletes is between 250-1000 mg/week.

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