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Saturday 25 March 2017

Oxymethlone IH 50mg by Iran Hormone

Androlic / Anadrol (Oxymethylone)
Androlic / Anadrol tablets. Each anadrol tablet contains 50 mg. oxymetholone. Androlic / Anadrol, brand name Androlic, comes in packs of 20 tablets and is manufactured by The British Dispensary (L.P.) Co. Ltd. .

Common uses and directions for anadrol
The primary medical uses of anabolic-androgenic steroids are to treat delayed puberty, some types of impotence and wasting of the body caused by HIV infection or other diseases.

Anabolic steroids promote the growth of skeletal muscle and the development of male sexual characteristics but do also have some other effects.

Androlic / Anadrol 50 is the strongest and, at the same time, also the most effective oral steroid. Androlic / Anadrol has an extremely high androgenic effect, which goes hand in hand with an extremely intense anabolic component - oxymetholone.

The highly androgenic effect of anadrol stimulates the regeneration of the body so that the often feared "over training" is unlikely to occur.

A dosage sufficient for any athlete would be 0.5 - 0.8 mg. per pound of body weight/day. This corresponds to 1-4 tablets; i.e. 50-200 mg/day. Under no circumstances should an athlete take more than four tablets in any given day, preferrably never more than three.

When taking anadrol for the first time the athelete should begin with an intake of only one 50 mg tablet. After one week the daily dosage can be increased to two tablets, one tablet each in the morning and evening, taken with meals.

Higher dosages should not be taken for periods longer than two to three weeks. Any use of anadrol should not exceed six weeks. After discontinuing anadrol, it is important to continue steroid treatment with another compound since, otherwise, a drastic reduction of muscle mass and strength takes place.

Androlic / Anadrol is the most harmful oral steroid and its intake can cause many considerable side effects. Most users can expect certain pathological changes in their liver values after approximately one week. Those who discontinue the use of oxymetholone will usually show normal values within two months. Oxymetholone is the only anabolic/androgenic steroid, which is linked with liver cancer.

Androlic / Anadrol (Oxymethylone) additional information:
Common uses
The primary medical uses of anabolic-androgenic steroids are to treat delayed puberty, some types of impotence and wasting of the body caused by HIV infection or other diseases.

Anabolic steroids promote the growth of skeletal muscle and the development of male sexual characteristics but do also have some other effects.

Androlic / Anadrol 50 is the strongest and, at the same time, also the most effective oral steroid. Androlic / Anadrol has an extremely high androgenic effect, which goes hand in hand with an extremely intense anabolic component - oxymetholone.

The highly androgenic effect of anadrol stimulates the regeneration of the body so that the often feared "over training" is unlikely to occur.

Androlic / Anadrol can give dramatic gains in strength and muscle mass in a very short time. Water retention is considerable and since the muscle cell draws a lot of water, the entire muscle system of most athletes will look smooth. Androlic / Anadrol does not cause a qualitative muscle gain but rather a quantitative one. Androlic / Anadrol "lubricates" the joints since water is stored there as well. On the one hand this is a factor in the enormous increase of strength and, on the other hand, it allows athletes with joint problems a painless workout. A strict diet, together with the simultaneous intake of Nolvadex-D and Proviron , can significantly reduce water retention.

Androlic / Anadrol increases the number of red blood cells, allowing the muscle to absorb more oxygen. The muscle thus has a higher endurance and performance level.

Although anadrol is not a steroid used in preparation for a competition, it does help more than any other steroid during dieting to maintain the muscle mass and to allow an intense workout.

Androlic / Anadrol comes as a tablet containing 50 mg. oxymetholone, to take by mouth.

A dosage sufficient for any athlete would be 50-200 mg/day. depending on weight and how advanced user of anabolic steroids the athlete is. An intake of more than three tablets in any given day is not advisable.

The first time user of anadrol should begin with an intake of only one 50 mg tablet. After a one week, the daily dosage can be increased to two tablets, one tablet each in the morning and evening, taken with meals.

Athletes who are more advanced or weigh more than 220 pounds can increase the dosage to 150 mg/day in the third week. This dosage, however, should not be taken for periods longer than two to three weeks.

The use of anadrol should never exceed six weeks. After discontinuing the use of anadrol, it is important to continue steroid treatment with another compound since, otherwise, a drastic reduction of muscle mass and strength takes place and the user. Athletes continue their treatment with injectable testosterone such as Sustanon 250 or Testosterone Enanthate for several weeks.

Androlic / Anadrol is the most harmful oral steroid and its intake can cause many considerable side effects. Most users can expect certain pathological changes in their liver values after approximately one week. An increase in liver values of both the enzymes GOT and GPT also called transaminases, often cannot be avoided, which are indications of hepatitis, i.e. a liver infection. Those who discontinue oxymetholone will usually show normal values within two months.

Longer intake of anadrol and/or higher doses can cause a yellow discoloration of fingernails, eyes, or skin. The liver enzyme gamma-GT also reacts sensitively to the oxymetholone, causing it to elevate. If high dosages of anadrol are taken over a long period, there is an increased risk that the described liver changes could end up damaging the liver. During the intake of Androlic / Anadrol 50, the liver values as well as the LDH/HBDH quotient, should always be checked by a competent physician.

Oxymetholone is the only anabolic/androgenic steroids which has been linked with liver cancer.

Androlic / Anadrol is not recommended for women since it causes many and, in part, irreversible virilizing symptoms such as acne, clitorial hypertrophy, deep voice, increased hair growth on the legs, beard growth, missed periods, increased libido, and hair loss.

Possible side effects
Oxymetholone easily converts into estrogen which causes signs of feminization and the already mentioned water retention, which in turn requires the intake of antiestrogens. The increased water retention, in addition to the aesthetical problems, can be further detrimental since it may cause high blood pressure. In extreme cases the intake of an anti-hypertensive drug may be necessary.

Oxymetholone does not convert to DHT. However, it is a potent androgen. Users who experience severe steroid acne caused by anadrol can get this problem under control by using the prescription drug Accutane.

Other possible side effects may include headaches, nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, lack of appetite, insomnia, and diarrhea. The athlete can expect a feeling of "general indisposition" with the in-take of anadrol which is completely in contrast to Dianabol which conveys a "sense of well-being".

The increased aggressiveness is caused by the resulting high level of androgen and occurs mostly when large quantities of testosterone are injected simultaneously with the use of anadrol.

The body's own production of testosterone is considerably reduced since anadrol has an inhibiting effect on the hypothalamus, which in turn completely reduces or stops the release of GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone). For this reason the intake of testosterone-stimulating compounds such as HCG and Clomid is absolutely necessary to maintain the hormone production in the testes.

If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor.

If overdose of anadrol is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately.

Friday 24 March 2017

Lovegra100mg by Generic

Kamagra is een erectie middel en is vaak beter bekend als een party genots middel. Echter, de werking van Kamagra is identiek aan die van de bekendere merken. Het verschil zit hem puur in de prijs van het produkt, andere producten zijn duurder. 
Verpakt per strip van 4 tabletten.
Wat is Kamagra?
Kamagra 100mg is een erectiepil die in India wordt geproduceerd door Ajanta Pharma, een farmaceutisch bedrijf gevestigd in India. Kamagra 100mg is een generic, dat wil zeggen dat het de zelfde werkzame stof bevat als het bekende gepatenteerde Viagra alleen onder een a ndere naam verkocht wordt. De stof die wordt gebruikt in Kamagra is Sildenafil. Deze stof zit zowel in Viagra als in Kamagra 100mg. Vanwege de werkzame stof in Kamagra 100mg is de werking exact gelijk aan die van Viagra. Kamagra 100mg zorgt voor een constante grote en harde erectie die je ruim 4 tot 5 uur onafgebroken kunt vasthouden bij seksuele opwinding. Wanneer de seksuele stemming heftig genoeg is kunt u zelfs na een orgasme direct weer tot de daad overgaan.
Hoe werkt Kamagra?
In Kamagra 100mg zit de stof sildenafil citraat deze zorgt ervoor dat de aders naar de penis ontspannen en uitzetten en zorgt zo voor een verhoogde bloedstroom naar de penis. Uw zult merken dat uw erectie harder is dan normaal, omdat het bloed tot in de kleinste bloedvaten wordt opgenomen. Wanneer de penis zijn volledige erectie heeft bereikt zorgt sildenafil citraat, de stof die in Kamagra zit verwerkt, ervoor dat de penis het bloed vasthoudt. Kamagra maakt op deze manier een erectie een stuk eenvoudiger.
Ook bij mannen die zonder probleem een erectie kunnen krijgen geeft Kamagra een veel hardere, stevigere en langer durende erectie en zorgt voor veel meer voldoening bij de seksuele activiteiten. Alleen bij ons 100 procent zekerheid van de originele Kamagra 100mg. Bestel vandaag nog en ontdek de werking van Kamagra! Kamagra is een erectie middel, de werkzame stof is Sildenafil Citraat. Dit zelfde citraat zit ook in andere bekende merken. Kamagra is een goedkopere variant en is vaak beter bekend als een party genots middel. Echter, de werking van Kamagra is identiek aan die van de bekendere merken. Het verschil zit hem puur in de prijs van het produkt, andere producten zijn duurder. Op dit moment zijn er veel namaak Kamagra producten op de markt, hiervoor dient u uit te kijken. Kamagra wordt geproduceerd door Ajanta Pharma uit India en is een serieus professioneel bedrijf.
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Thursday 23 March 2017

Nolvadex 10mg by Astra Zeneca x 1 Strip

This drug is a potent nonsteroidal anti-estrogen. It is indicated for use in estrogen dependent tumors, i.e. breast cancer. Steroid users take Nolvadex to prevent the effects of estrogen in the body. This estrogen is most often the result of aromatizing steroids. Nolvadex can aid in preventing edema, gynecomastia, and female pattern fat distribution, all of which might occur when a man's estrogen levels are too high. Also, these effects can occur when androgen levels are too low, making estrogen the predominant hormone. This can occur when endogenous androgens have been suppressed by the prolonged use of exogenous steroids. Nolvadex works by competitively binding to target estrogen sites like those at the breast.
This drug is not toxic nor have any side effects been seen in athletes who used the drug\' as an anti-estrogen. This drug is the most popular anti- estrogen amongst steroid users.

Although it does not turn out to be 100% effective for everyone, it does seem to exhibit some level of effectiveness for the majority. It works so well for some bodybuilders they can take drugs like Anadrol right up to a contest as long as they stack it with Nolvadex. It would seem wise to take this drug in conjunction with any steroid cycle. Most reported a dosage of 10 mg to 20 mg daily got the job done. Availability of Nolvadex has been fair on the black market.

Protection against bitch tits.

Effective Dose: 1 - 2 tabs/day

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate)
by Bill Roberts - Nolvadex is very comparable to Clomid , behaves in the same manner in all tissues, and is a mixed estrogen agonist/antagonist of the same type as Clomid. The two molecules are also very similar in structure.

It is not correct that Nolvadex reduces levels of estrogen: rather, it blocks estrogen from estrogen receptors and, in those tissues where it is an antagonist, causes the receptor to do nothing.

The claim that Nolvadex reduces gains should not be taken too seriously. The fact is that any number of bodybuilders have made excellent gains while using Nolvadex. The belief that it reduces gains seems to stem from the fact that the scientific literature reports a slight reduction in IGF-1 (individuals using anabolic steroids were not studied though) from use of Nolvadex. Thus, Dan Duchaine reported that it reduces IGF-1 and therefore reduces gains. However, if this effect exists at all, it must be very minor, due to the excellent gains that many have made, and from the fact that no one has noticed any such thing from Clomid , which has the same activity profile.

However, I would not be surprised if one were to tell a steroid user that Clomid reduced his gains, he would immediately become afraid that Clomid reduced his gains (please note that no one I have ever heard of has noticed this.) Not having been so misled, however, he would not conclude this from his results. But if an authority publishes that such an effect occurs, whether it does or not it can become self-fulfilling by biasing the user.

The fact that Nolvadex will reduce water retention may result in the user agreeing that gains are less, since weight gain is less, thus reinforcing the bias.

Nolvadex / Tamoxifen
Nolvadex tablets. Each Nolvadex tablet contains 20 mg. tamoxifen. Nolvadex comes in packs of 30 tablets and is manufactured by AstraZeneca.

Common uses and directions for Nolvadex
Nolvadex is used to treat breast cancer in women or men. Tamoxifen may also be used to treat other kinds of cancer, as determined by your doctor.
Tamoxifen also may be used to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in women who have a high risk of developing breast cancer.
Athletes like to use Nolvadex at the end of a steroid cycle since it increases the body's own testosterone production.
The dose of tamoxifen will be different for different patients. Follow your doctor's orders or the directions on the label. Normally the dose will vary between 20-40 mg./day. Athletes seldom use more than 30 mg./day.
There are many possible side effects that are very different depending on how long time Nolvadex is used as well as depending on the s e x of the user.

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) additional information:
Common uses
Nolvadex (tamoxifen) blocks the effects of the estrogen hormone in the body. Nolvadex is used to treat breast cancer in women or men but tamoxifen may also be used to treat other kinds of cancer, as determined by your doctor.
Tamoxifen also may be used to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in women who have a high risk of developing breast cancer.
The exact way that tamoxifen works against cancer is not known, but it may be related to the way it blocks the effects of estrogen on the body.
Many athletes like to use Nolvadex at the end of a steroid cycle since it increases the body's own testosterone production and to prevent estrogenic side effects of taking anabolic steroids.
Since most steroids aromatize more or less strongly, i.e. part of the substance is converted into estrogens, male athletes can experience a significant elevation in the normally very low estrogen level while using anabolic steroids. This can lead to feminization symptoms such as gynecomastia, increased fat deposits and higher water retention.
Nolvadex works against this by blocking the estrogen receptors of the effected body tissue, thereby inhibiting a bonding of estrogens and receptor. Nolvadex does not prevent testosterone and its synthetic derivatives from converting into estrogens, though, but only fights with them in a sort of "competition" for the estrogen receptors. After the discontinuance of Nolvadex a "rebound effect" can therefore occur where the suddenly freed estrogen receptors are able to absorb the estrogen present in the blood. For this reason the combined intake of Proviron. is suggested.
Nolvadex is also useful during a diet since it helps in the burning of fat. Although tamoxifen has no direct fatburning effect its antiestrogenic effect contributes to keeping the estrogen level as low as possible. Nolvadex should especially be taken together with the strong androgenic steroids Dianabol and Anadrol , and the various testosterone compounds.

Nolvadex comes as a tablet, containing 20 mg. tamoxifen, to take by mouth. Nolvadex tablets are usually taken 1-2 times daily, swallowed whole without chewing, with some liquid during meals.
The dose of tamoxifen will be different for different patients. Follow your doctor's orders or the directions on the label. Common doses are;
For breast cancer in women or men: Adults 20 to 40 mg. daily.
For reducing the risk of developing breast cancer in high-risk women: Adults 20 mg. daily, for five years.
The normal daily dosage taken by athletes is 10-30 mg./day To prevent estrogenic side effects normally 10 mg./day is sufficient, a dosage which also keeps low the risk of reducing the effect of simultaneously taken steroids. Often it is sufficient if the athlete begins this preventive intake of Nolvadex three to four weeks after the first intake of anabolic steroids. Athletes who have tendencies toward gynecomastia, strong water retention, and increased fat deposits with steroids such as Dianabol, Testosterone, Anadrol 50, and Deca-Durabolin usually take 20-30 mg./day The combined application of Nolvadex 20-30 mg./day and Proviron 25-50 mg./day in these cases leads to excellent results. The same is true for athletes who are in competition, and for women. Women, however, should do without the intake of Proviron or at least reduce the dose to one 25 mg. tablet per day.
If you miss a dose of tamoxifen, do not take the missed dose at all and do not double the next one. Instead, go back to your regular dosing schedule and check with your doctor.

In deciding to use a medicine, the risks of taking the medicine must be weighed against the good it will do. This is a decision you and your doctor will make. For tamoxifen, the following should be considered:
Tell your doctor if you have ever had any unusual or allergic reaction to tamoxifen.
Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or if you intend to become pregnant. Tamoxifen should not be used to reduce the risk of breast cancer if you are pregnant of if you intend to become pregnant. Tamoxifen use in women has been shown to cause miscarriages, birth defects, death of the fetus, and vaginal bleeding.
It is best to use some kind of birth control while you are taking tamoxifen and for about 2 months after you stop taking Nolvadex. However, do not use oral contraceptives since they may interfere with tamoxifene. Tell your doctor right away if you think you have become pregnant while taking Nolvadex.
Breast-feeding is generally not recommended while you are taking tamoxifen.
Tell your health care professional if you are taking any other prescription or nonprescription medicine. If you are taking tamoxifen to reduce the risk of breast cancer, it is especially important that your health care professional know if you are taking the following:

Anticoagulant, coumarin-type blood thinners should not be used with tamoxifen when used to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in women who have a high risk of developing breast cancer. If you need to take blood thinners, your blood clotting times should be monitored by your doctor.
If you take cytotoxic medicines with tamoxifen, you may have an increased risk of blood clots.
The presence of other medical problems may affect the use of tamoxifen. Make sure you tell your doctor if you have any other medical problems, especially:

Blood problems, cataracts or other eye problems, high cholesterol levels in the blood, blood clots (or history of), pulmonary embolism (or history of), stroke, uterine cancer.
For athletes a disadvantage of tamoxifen is that it can weaken the anabolic effect of some steroids. The reason is that Nolvadex reduces the estrogen level. The fact is, however, that certain steroids, especially the various testosterone compounds, can only achieve their full effect if the estrogen level is sufficiently high. Athletes who predominantly use mild steroids such as Primobolan, Winstrol, Oxandrolone, and Deca-Durabolin should carefully consider whether or not they should take Nolvadex since, due to the compound's already moderate anabolic effect, an additional loss of effect could take place, leading to unsatisfying results.

Possible side effects
Tamoxifen may cause unwanted effects that may not occur until months or years after Nolvadex is used. Tamoxifen increases the chance of cancer of the uterus in some women taking it. Tamoxifen may cause blockages to form in a vein, lung, or brain. In addition, tamoxifen has been reported to cause cataracts and other eye problems.
Check with your doctor as soon as possible if any of the following side effects occur:

Anxiety, blistering, peeling, or loosening of skin and mucous membranes, blurred vision, chest pain, confusion, cough, dizziness, fainting, fast heartbeat, lightheadedness, pain or swelling in fingers, hands and legs, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, weakness or sleepiness, yellow eyes or skin.
For females only;

Change in vaginal discharge, chills, fever, hoarseness, lower back or side pain, pain or feeling of pressure in pelvis, pain, redness, or swelling in your arm or leg, painful or difficult urination, rapid shallow breathing, skin rash or itching over the entire body, sweating, vaginal bleeding, wheezing, absent, decrease in amount of urine, feeling of warmth redness of the face, neck, arms and occasionally, upper chest, menstrual changes, nausea, vaginal bleeding, weight changes, white or brownish vaginal discharge.
The use of Nolvadex may also cause other side effects not listed above to occur. If you notice any other effects, check with your doctor.

If overdose of tamoxifene is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately.

Additional information:
Keep Nolvadex in a tightly closed container and out of reach of children. Store Nolvadex at room temperature and away from excess heat and moisture (not in the bathroom).
For more information about Nolvadex, please visit

Kinz 20mg/1ml (Nalbuphine) by Sami

Kinz Nalbuphine is a synthetic agonist-antagonist of the phenanthrene series. It is chemically related to both the widely used opioid , , and the potent opioid analgesic, oxymorphone. Chemically nalbuphine hydrochloride is 17-(cyclobutylmethyl)-4,5α-epoxymorphinan-3,6α,14-triol hydrochloride. Nalbuphine hydrochloride molecular weight is 393.91 and is soluble in H2O (35.5 mg/mL @ 25ºC) and ethanol (0.8%); insoluble in CHCl3 and ether. Nalbuphine hydrochloride has pKa values of 8.71 and 9.96. The molecular formula is C21H27NO4·HCl.

NUBAIN is a sterile solution suitable for subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous injection. NUBAIN is available in two concentrations, 10 mg and 20 mg of nalbuphine hydrochloride per mL. Both strengths in 10 mL vials contain 0.94% sodium citrate hydrous, 1.26% citric acid anhydrous, and 0.2% of a 9:1 mixture of methylparaben and propylparaben as preservatives; pH is adjusted, if necessary, to 3.5 to 3.7 with hydrochloric acid. The 10 mg/mL strength contains 0.2% sodium chloride.

NUBAIN is also available in ampuls in a sterile, paraben-free formulation in two concentrations, 10 mg and 20 mg of nalbuphine hydrochloride per mL. One mL of each strength contains 0.94% sodium citrate hydrous, and 1.26% citric acid anhydrous; pH is adjusted, if necessary, to 3.5 to 3.7 with hydrochloric acid. The 10 mg/mL strength contains 0.2% sodium chloride.

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