Tuesday 24 November 2015

Temapezam Eggs 10mg by Generic

Temapezam Eggs 10mg by Generic

Product Description
Temazepam is a short-acting Benzodiazepine. It is normally prescribed to people who have difficulty sleeping, or occasionally to reduce anxiety.

Temazepam is produced as a gel-filled capsule, designed to be taken orally. Temazepam Eggs 30mg Generic is used to treat insomnia symptoms, such as trouble falling or staying asleep temazepam. A normal therapeutic dose of temazepam would be 10mg-30mg. If you have a normal dose of Temazepam you may feel less anxious and start to feel relaxed and sleepy. At higher doses the effects are similar to alcohol - you may feel less inhibited towards other people. Your behaviour may be exaggerated (people who are using Temazepam are often very talkative or over-excited, sometimes even hostile or aggressive) and judgement is impaired. You may have a false sense of confidence, or even believe you are invincible or invisible.

Temazepam is usually prescribed to help people sleep, and the main physical effects of the drug are as a muscle relaxant. The other effects described above are experienced if you take the drug and stay awake.

If you use Benzodiazepines regularly you can become dependant - withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, sleeplessness, panic attacks, loss of appetite, nausea, tremors and sometimes even hallucinations. These symptoms can persist for weeks after stopping use of the drug. Abrupt withdrawal from high doses can cause convulsions and fits, and should never be attempted without medical supervision.

The effects of downers like Temazepam make it more difficult to judge and assess situations than normal. Because of this, if you use the drug you are more vulnerable to accidents (for example when crossing a busy road). You can overdose on Temazepam (causing loss of consciousness), especially if you are using another depressant drug like alcohol or heroin.

If you vomit while you are unconscious, you may choke - avoid using this drug on your own if you can. As with any drug that reduces inhibitions, you may be more likely to have unprotected sex, risking unwanted pregnancy and exposing yourself to sexually transmitted diseases. Temazepam is a drug that should not be injected - the gel in the capsules can resolidify after injection.


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