Monday 13 February 2017

Test Mexico 400/10ml vial

Test Mexico 400 by Pliva Formula: Propionate of Testosterone 25mg Enathate of Testosterone188mg Cypionate of Testosterone 187mg Vehicle c.b.p. 1ml test, test mexico 400, test mexico 400 by pliva,pliva, test maxico, 10 ml vials, trenbalone acetate, for sale, 1 ml vial, testoviron depot 250 mg, pregnyl 1500 iu

Product Description
Test 400:
Test 400 came out a few years ago, and was received very well by the average smuggler. You see, since Test 400 was available in Mexico for a reasonable price, and had 4 grams of testosterone per bottle, you could actually bring back double the amount (mg-wise) of testosterone in the same space. Really, this product is a smuggler's dream, and Test 400 flooded the streets of Venice and other steroid hot-spots soon after it hit the market.

I suppose the good thing about Test 400 is that you can get a whopping dose of testosterone in a few milliliters of product. Other than that, it's very painful to inject and not really anything special over any other form of testosterone.

Test 400 is a mexican version of Testoviron, but in a lot higher dosage. Usual dosages is one 400 mg per week.

Test 400 is obviously simply a marketing trick for novice bodybuilders. mixture of Eanthate and Cypionate is pointless as they both release at the same time. The dose of 400 mg forced the manufacturer to introduce more alcohol into thy product which results in painful injections. Combined with classic testosterone side effects this is definitely not the best product out there.

Denkall produces this particular testosterone blend, Test 400. Test 400 has the highest concentration (and pain) of any of the mass-produced testosterone blends. Test 400 comes in with the following characteristics per ml:

Testosterone Propionate: 25mgs
Testosterone Cypionate: 187mgs
Testosterone Enanthate: 188mgs
Test 400 Chemical Info:
(Testosterone shown, plus Testosterone with Propionate, Cypionate and Enanthate esters)
(Testosterone + 3 esters)
Testosterone base +enanthate+ cypionate ester. + propionate este
Formula (base): C19 H28 O2
Formula (ester)
Propionate: C3H6O2
Cypionate: C8 H14 O2
Enanthate: C7 H12 O
Molecular Weight: 412.6112
Molecular Weight (base): 288.429
Molecular Weight (ester)
Propionate: 74.0792
Cypionate: 132.1184
Enanthate: 130.1864
Melting Point (base): 155C
Effective Dose (Men): 200-2000mg+ week.
Effective Dose (Women): Not recommended
Active life: 8 day
Detection Time: Up to 3 months
Anabolic/Androgenic ratio: 100/100Denkall's Test 400 wins the prize for the absolute highest concentration for any steroid in one milliliter of oil. Measuring in at an unheard of 400 milligrams, this product is nothing short of a shocking new addition to the high-dosed veterinary steroid market in Mexico. Test 400 is a blended product, with each milliliter containing 25 milligrams of testosterone propionate, 187 milligrams of testosterone cypionate and 188 milligrams of testosterone enanthate. In order to achieve such a high concentration of steroid it appears that the amount of alcohol used in the solution has been markedly increased. Without increasing the alcohol level 400 milligrams of steroid would simply be too much for the solution to dissolve. The steroid hormone is more soluble in an oily solution with heightened amounts of alcohol, which allows us to achieve a dosage otherwise not possible. The drawback however is that the alcohol makes for an irritating, almost caustic solution to inject. Users commonly report strong irritation and pain at the site of injection, in many instances requiring the user to dilute the steroid with lower dosed oil based products if Test 400 is to be continued. But for those solely interested in maximum dosage, or those willing to later dilute a steroid in order to purchase the most steroid in single vial possible, Test 400 looks like an instant winner.
The design of this steroid most closely resembles that of Testoviron, containing a mix of rapid and medium/slow acting esters. In fact the only difference between the enanthate/propionate blend Testoviron and Test 400 are the dosages of the esters, and the addition of testosterone cypionate. I see no real advantage in stacking testosterone cypionate with enanthate though, as the pharmacokinetics of these two esters are literally identical. Testosterone levels peak and drop in parallel with these two agents, with no visible distinction. Upon closer investigation we see that the only advantage to adding cypionate appears to be a marketing one, as we have a product with three steroids instead of two. At least with Sustanon the release parameters are different with each ester, such that an attempt is made to integrate the four and support the balanced release of testosterone. But with test 400, having propionate and all cypionate would be totally indistinct from having propionate and all enanthate.

The effects of Test 400 would be similar to that of all testosterones. Testosterone is one of the best mass-building agents, so users can expect substantial gains with this product. Testosterone is also strongly estrogenic and androgenic however, so one should expect these gains to be accompanied by equally strong side effects. This includes water retention, possible fat increases and even gynecomastia is estrogenic levels get too high, and acne, oily skin and possible hair loss from the androgenic component of this steroid. As you will see throughout this book and our discussions with testosterone, side effects can be minimized with ancillary drugs such as anti-estrogens like Nolvadex, Clomid or Arimidex, and/or the 5-alpha reductase inhibitor Proscar. Most however refrain from these drugs, enduring minor side effects unless they become a problem so as to maximize potential tissue gains (both anti-estrogens and Proscar are believed to lower the anabolic potency of a cycle based on testosterone).


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