Wednesday 20 March 2019

Generic Morphine Sulphate 30mg by Generic

Morphine sulphate

Product Description
Morphine (More-feen sul-fate) is a medicine which is used in relieving severe pain.

 The information in this Medicine Guide for Morphine varies according to the condition being treated and the particular preparation used.

Your medicine:
Morphine sulphate is a type of a strong pain-killer. It is used to help relieve severe pain. It works by affecting chemicals in the brain and nervous system which are involved in the sensation of pain. Morphine sulphate can cause tolerance and dependence in some people.

Other information about Morphine sulphate:

your prescriber may vary the dose of your medicine to find what is best for you
this preparation may contain propylene glycol and alcohol. You should check the Patient Information Leaflet that comes with this medicine to see if it does. These ingredients may not be suitable for everyone. They should not be taken if you are taking certain medicines or if you have a condition that could be worsened by alcohol containing preparations. Examples include if you have liver problems, epilepsy or if you suffer from alcoholism. This preparation may also not be suitable for children, pregnant women, or women who are breast-feeding. For more information, check with your prescriber
Do not share your medicine with other people. It may not be suitable for them and may harm them.

The pharmacy label on your medicine tells you how much medicine you should take. It also tells you how often you should take your medicine. This is the dose that you and your prescriber have agreed you should take. You should not change the dose of your medicine unless you are told to do so by your prescriber.

If you feel that the medicine is making you unwell or you do not think it is working, then talk to your prescriber.

Whether this medicine is suitable for you
Morphine sulphate is not suitable for everyone and some people should never use it. Other people should only use it with special care. It is important that the person prescribing this medicine knows your full medical history.

Your prescriber may only prescribe this medicine with special care or may not prescribe it at all if you:

are allergic or sensitive to or have had a bad reaction to opiates in the past
are allergic or sensitive to or have had a reaction to any of the ingredients in the medicine
are an alcoholic
are elderly
are having an asthma attack
are in shock due to heart problems
are taking a monoamine oxidase inhibitor or have taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor in the last two weeks
have a convulsive disorder
have adrenal gland problems
have bowel problems
have had surgery within the last 24 hours
have head injuries
have high intracranial pressure
have hypothyroidism
have kidney problems
have liver problems
have obstructive airways disease
have paralytic ileus
have phaeochromocytoma
have problems which make breathing difficult such as spinal abnormalities or obesity
have prostate problems
have respiratory depression
Furthermore the prescriber may only prescribe this medicine with special care or may not prescribe it at all for a child under one year of age or for someone who is in a coma.

Over time it is possible that Morphine sulphate can become unsuitable for some people, or they may become unsuitable for it. If at any time it appears that Morphine sulphate has become unsuitable, it is important that the prescriber is contacted immediately.

Alcohol can interact with certain medicines.

In the case of Morphine sulphate:

this medicine may increase the effects of alcohol
You should seek advice from your prescriber as to whether you may drink alcohol while taking this medicine.

Medicines can interact with certain foods. In some cases, this may be harmful and your prescriber may advise you to avoid certain foods.

In the case of Morphine sulphate:

there are no specific foods that you must exclude from your diet when taking Morphine sulphate
Driving and operating machinery
When taking any medicine you should be aware that it might interfere with your ability to drive or operate machinery safely.

In the case of Morphine sulphate:

this medicine could affect your ability to drive or operate machinery
You must not drive or operate machinery while you are taking Morphine sulphate.

Family planning and pregnancy:
Most medicines, in some way, can affect the development of a baby in the womb. The effect on the baby differs between medicines and also depends on the stage of pregnancy that you have reached when you take the medicine.

In the case of Morphine sulphate:

if you take this medicine for long periods of time during pregnancy, your baby may come to be physically dependent on Morphine sulphate. This may lead to your baby having withdrawal symptoms from Morphine sulphate after birth. You may also have some problems if you take this medicine during labour
You need to discuss your specific circumstances with your doctor to weigh up the overall risks and benefits of taking this medicine. You and your doctor can make a decision about whether you are going to take this medicine during pregnancy.

If the decision is that you should not have Morphine sulphate, then you should discuss whether there is an alternative medicine that you could take during pregnancy.

Certain medicines can pass into breast milk and may reach your baby through breast-feeding.

In the case of Morphine sulphate:

this medicine passes into breast milk. Taking Morphine sulphate and breast-feeding may affect your baby
Before you have your baby you should discuss breast-feeding with your doctor or midwife. They will help you decide what is best for you and your baby based on the benefits and risks associated with this medicine. You should only breast-feed your baby while taking this medicine on the advice of your doctor or midwife.

Taking other medicines:
If you are taking more than one medicine they may interact with each other. At times your prescriber may decide to use medicines that interact, in other cases this may not be appropriate.

The decision to use medicines that interact depends on your specific circumstances. Your prescriber may decide to use medicines that interact, if it is believed that the benefits of taking the medicines together outweigh the risks. In such cases, it may be necessary to alter your dose or monitor you more closely.

Tell your prescriber the names of all the medicines that you are taking so that they can consider all possible interactions. This includes all the medicines which have been prescribed by your GP, hospital doctor, dentist, nurse, health visitor, midwife or pharmacist. You must also tell your prescriber about medicines which you have bought over the counter without prescriptions.

The following medicines may interact with Morphine sulphate:

The following types of medicine may interact with Morphine sulphate:

medicines which depress the CNS
monoamine oxidase inhibitors
narcotic antagonists
tricyclic antidepressants
If you are taking Morphine sulphate and one of the above medicines or types of medicines, make sure your prescriber knows about it.

Complementary preparations and vitamins
Medicines can interact with complementary preparations and vitamins. In general, there is not much information available about interactions between medicines and complementary preparations or vitamins.

If you are planning to take or are already taking any complementary preparations and vitamins you should ask your prescriber whether there are any known interactions with Morphine sulphate.

Your prescriber can advise whether it is appropriate for you to take combinations that are known to interact. They can also discuss with you the possible effect that the complementary preparations and vitamins may have on your condition.

If you experience any unusual effects while taking this medicine in combination with complementary preparations and vitamins, you should tell your prescriber.


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